The second topic is self-discovery. Two art exhibits illustrate how creativity leads predictably to conflict resolution as attitude change clearly leading to a moral conclusion. The Gorski Retrospective illustrates the new way of looking at art juxtaposing canvases as a series of conflict resolutions always ending with a crucifixion or eventually spirituality. The murals’ exhibit illustrates the self-assessment reconstructing a person’s emotional make up and also how it enhances, deepens and expedites therapy. The introduction is followed by completing the battery analyzing it oneself and then downloading it in your computer for gaining more insights and guidance for changes.

The Metaphoria MuralS

Each of the six images bellow corresponds with a different mural collection. Each mural collection contains six hand-painted tiles by noted Dutch craftsman. 

Mural 1 presents the creation stories of ancient Greece, identifying the process of conflict resolution in the family system. Mural 2 highlights the Flag of United Metaphors, a vision of global reconciliation and understanding. Mural 3 introduces the science of the unconscious. Mural 4 explores the personal metaphors of Albert Levis, the director of the Museum. Mural 5 explains how religion and culture function as conflict resolving systems. Mural 6 explores the reconciliation of art and science. 

Click the individual image to visit each mural collection.