This first image illustrates the beginning of the family institution as Matriarchy. We know Medusa in the Greek culture as the snake woman. In the Aztec culture, she is Quatlique. The mother was scared of her daughter as her rival and had her son Huitilopochtli killing her. Blood sacrifices became an institution to protect the power of mother Earth. The culture adopted the Eagle Snake configuration illustrating the submissive antagonistic role system as the prevailing power structure of the cultural system.

Patriarchy marks the reversal of Matriarchy illustrated with Zeus informed by Prometheus about the pattern of mothers and sons killing fathers, initiates a preemptive attack at his wife, Metis. He overpowered her, swallowed her, and eventually Athena was born out of his head.
The Greek domestic paradigm of patriarchy presents Zeus having a number of affairs upsetting his wife Hera, who is vindicating herself by putting snakes in the crib of Hercules, his child, and transforming his mistress, Ios into a cow.

Asceticism is the phase where men moderated power suppressing desires, reducing the sense of anxiety in their own minds. This approach coincided with the change of the mother-father-son relationship as symbolized in the story of Ganesha. A child decapitated by Shiva and restored with an Elephant head, resolving the conflicts between the mother Kalli, and the husband, Shiva. Asceticism represents submissive cooperation in family and cultural relations. It is a phase between dominant antagonism in the greek family and dominant cooperation in the Judaic family.

Monotheism represents the shift of submissive cooperation of asceticism to the Abrahamic religions' dominant cooperation symbolized here embracing the father son covenant mutual respect bonding between father and son avoiding conflicts with mothers. The image presents the Abu Simbel sculpture modified to present three gigantic patriarchs and four diminutive matriarchs, as well as two horus birds, which we interpret as representing respect for extramarital relations in this system.