MORAL MONOPOLY: The Educational Card Game
Moral Monopoly, MM, is an educational card-game introducing the formal analysis of cultural stories as a progression of scientific discoveries improving family relations and the definition of the divine. The game respects religionS as moral monopolies but integrates them as complementary discoveries of the Moral Science.
Method: The game utilizes the structure of the deck of cards as a metaphor illustrating the three components of the unconscious. The game-board of Moral Monopoly illustrates the map of the unconscious as a scientific moral order dynamic.
The four suits correspond to four relational modalities, Each quadrant represents a suit as a different relational modality.
The cards of each suit reflect the syndromal six-role process structure of stories, The six-role process is inscribed on the board with the names of the six roles to accommodate the cards of the eight stories two from each of the four cultures. Eight sine curves present the cards of each suit as six-role state episodes of stories as conflict resolution sequences.
The signage of the suits, spade to heart, reflect symbolically incremental effectiveness. The modalities evolve improving relations in the family along the signage from the black upside down heart of the spade, to the black explosive club, through the red diamond to the red upright heart. This evolution of modalities is like the seasons of the year evolving from winter to harvest. The game-board is the new self-improving moral paradigm encompassing all religions as an orderly progression improving family relations and redefining the divine. Religions are integrated as complementary discoveries of the Moral Science, which clarifies moral values as the three scientific principles of conflict resolution: mastery, cooperation and mutual respect.
These distinctions make the game-board into the map of the unconscious: each quadrant corresponds to a religion as a relational modality, exemplified by two stories, mythic and historical as the syndromal six-role structure of stories. Eight stories reflect how religions evolved improving the family institution from matriarchy to patriarchy, to asceticism and monotheism. The players examine the formal attributes of each cultural story beginning from the Aztec culture, then the Greek, Indian and Judaic.
Findings: The players are asked the following questions: Do the six episodes of stories represent resolutions? Do they resolve conflicts along the ascribed relational modality-diagnoses? Do they evolve improving the family role-relations?
Discussion: Placing the stories in a scientific context, the players learn about the psychology of conflict resolution and about religions as complementary discoveries of the science improving family relations. Observing the creative process as a scientific conflict resolution phenomenon leads to understanding psychology as the Science of Conflict Resolution, while recognizing religions as discoveries of the relational modalities integrated into the Moral Science thus revamping agnostic psychology and demystifying dogma-based moralities.
MORAL MONOPOLY: The Educational Card Game
Moral Monopoly is an educational card-game introducing the formal analysis of cultural stories as a progression of scientific discoveries improving family relations and the definition of the divine. The game respects religionS as moral monopolies but integrates them as complementary discoveries of the Moral Science.
The game utilizes the structure of the deck of cards as a metaphor illustrating the three components of the unconscious. The game-board of Moral Monopoly illustrates the map of the unconscious as a scientific moral order dynamic.
The cards of each suit reflect the syndromal six-role process structure of stories, The six-role process is inscribed on the board with the names of the six roles to accommodate the cards of the eight stories two from each of the four cultures. Eight sine curves present the cards of each suit as six-role state episodes of stories as conflict resolution sequences.
The four suits correspond to four relational modalities, Each quadrant represents a suit as a different relational modality.
The signage of the four suits, spade to heart, reflect symbolically incremental effectiveness. The modalities evolve improving relations in the family along the signage from the black upside down heart of the spade, to the black explosive club, through the red diamond to the red upright heart. This evolution of modalities is like the seasons of the year evolving from winter to harvest. The game-board is the new self-improving moral paradigm encompassing all religions as an orderly progression improving family relations and redefining the divine. Religions are integrated as complementary discoveries of the Moral Science, which clarifies moral values as the three scientific principles of conflict resolution: mastery, cooperation and mutual respect.
These distinctions make the game-board into the map of the unconscious: each quadrant corresponds to a religion as a relational modality, exemplified by two stories, mythic and historical as the syndromal six-role structure of stories. Eight stories reflect how religions evolved improving the family institution from matriarchy to patriarchy, to asceticism and monotheism. The players examine the formal attributes of each cultural story beginning from the Aztec culture, then the Greek, Indian and Judaic.
The players are asked the following questions: Do the six episodes of stories represent resolutions? Do they resolve conflicts along the ascribed relational modality-diagnoses? Do they evolve improving the family role-relations?
Placing the stories in a scientific context, the players learn about the psychology of conflict resolution and about religions as complementary discoveries of the science improving family relations. Observing the creative process as a scientific conflict resolution phenomenon leads to understanding psychology as the Science of Conflict Resolution, while recognizing religions as discoveries of the relational modalities integrated into the Moral Science thus revamping agnostic psychology and demystifying dogma-based moralities.
To learn more about Moral Monopoly or to order a game board and cards, please contact us.