Power Management: The COnflict Analysis Battery

Conflict Analysis Battery (CAB; Levis, 1988) was developed over 30 years of clinical research. The CAB presents an innovation in wellness and has been used widely in clinical, educational, and consulting contexts, and has been subject to robust psychometric analysis. CAB is an interactive learning program unlike any other psychological test or intervention. It is based on the scientific evaluation of the unconscious as a measurable mechanism, connecting emotions and behaviors into a conflict resolution pattern. It is didactic, diagnostic and therapeutic, valid and reliable, yet responsive, humanistic, and meaningful. Completing the program is both an intellectual and an emotional experience. It is a concise, personalized program of emotional education that may be used both as a routine self-evaluation and in the context of training or therapy. 


Although the full program typically costs $50, we are happy to share it for free due to COVID-19 crisis. The full program includes a detailed introduction, a thorough analysis of your relational styles and modes of resolving conflict, as well as ten creativity-based exercises with extensive personal feedback, and guided next steps. The link to the paid version is here.


The brief program includes a personality inventory identifying your relational modality, your wellness personality type, and one metaphor creation exercise which illustrates how the relational pattern unfolds as an emotional chain reaction providing insights. The testing generates a report with recommendations for power management changes to optimize resolutions. 


The Formal Theory’s conceptualization of the unconscious introduces a purely natural science, formal relational mechanism with a moral or conflict resolution adjustive function. The unconscious then is measurable as two natural science phenomena: these are the formal relational equilibrial balance of the trays of a scale and the energetic oscillations of a pendulum ball. These mechanical equivalents give to the creative process their scientific dimensions with their constructs and formulas. The mental order becomes measurable like any physical entity that has both formal and physical energetic emotional dimensions. 

The object for the scientific study of behavior has been identified clearly by the Formal Theory as the creative process as a periodic conflict resolution phenomenon that has formal and physical dimensions. The conflict-resolving unconscious is an equilibrial system of formally interrelated emotions that upgrade order. Emotions represent real energetic physical entities. The conflict resolution process is the unit order of the social sciences, a periodic formal and energetic transformation that leads to a desirable conclusion. 

In contrast to widely used assessment instruments, the CAB is a theory based self-assessment. Unlike other tests, it is not just a personality inventory but a combination of an inventory and projective tasks measuring the well defined unconscious as relational modalities and their syndromal unfolding manifested as the orderly six-role states bound into a dramatic continuum. The assessment is educational on the scientific nature of the unconscious, it is diagnostic measuring the relational modality and it is therapeutic guiding the test taker to identify both the syndromal organization of emotions as one's six-role process and the particular choice of relating, one of four relational modalities. The person readily becomes conscious of the unconscious. The experience generates insights and guides one to identify by one self emotional changes.

The assessment is cognitive, diagnostic and therapeutic; it is both an intellectual and an emotional experience. The assessment demonstrates the personal relevance of the concepts as test takers benefit emotionally from the assessment.  The inventory is diagnostic. The observer or test taker can at a glance identify one’s relational modality diagnosis. The inventory also measures psychic tension identifying the intensity of conflicts differentiating wellness from illness. The projective metaphor construction tasks are therapeutic. The  relational modality diagnosis is illustrated by the metaphors and the metaphors elicit cathartic emotional experiences leading to resolution of conflicts. The combination of cognitive information, self-discovery, and observation of emotional changes compound the therapeutic value of the assessment. The outcome of the testing is an emotional learning experience preparing a person for life’s challenges.

Current psychological diagnostic instruments identify traits; they are in no way evoking a cathartic emotional experience. They do not explain diagnostically the psychodynamic development of symptoms nor serve a therapeutic healing service to the test taker. The CAB identifies patterns but also generates insights and directives for changes. The focus on traits as five unrelated factors of personality, held together with acronyms is of no psychodynamic diagnostic and therapeutic value. The acronym OCEAN corresponds to five factors as unrelated traits: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. DiSC is the acronym of another valuable inventory: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness. In contrast to those the CAB's inventory identifies relational modalities based on three dichotomies of formally interrelated states: passivity versus activity, cooperation versus antagonism alienation versus mutual respect.

CAB’s inventory identifies four relational modalities. The three formal dichotomies identify four formally interrelated conflict resolution alternatives: the  relational modalities, diagnostic categories of wellness, and the psychic tension corresponding to intensity of conflicts identifying psychopathology as qualification of wellness. The Battery combines the inventory with a set of ten creativity tasks, leading to the reconstruction of the six-role state psychodynamically related emotions and behaviors, the emotional chain reaction of the conflict resolution unconscious.

To find out more about the online programs, click here. To find out more about the conceptual foundations of the Conflict Analysis Battery, click here. To purchase the Book version of the Conflict Analysis Battery, click here