Welcome to the Formal Theory’s Wisdom
This sculpture by Piper Strong represents Prometheus stealing the fire of the Gods. He holds the fire shaped like a pattern because what the Museum of the Creative Process introduces is that the secret of the gods is in the unconscious thought process as a scientific and moral order phenomenon, of six emotions transforming energy to the pleasure of a conflict resolution. Identifying the unconscious as a scientific conflict resolution, pleasure seeking, moral order phenomenon is why I created this museum. Here with the exhibits I am sharing a major scientific breakthrough: the bridging of psychology, religion and science. The permanent art exhibits of the museum illustrate the physical and moral structure of the unconscious, as a graphically portrayable and measurable scientific phenomenon. Walking the ‘sculptural trail in the history of love’ you experience how religions improved the family by discovering with metaphors the alternative ways of resolving conflict. So my story is that of a holocaust survivor who became a psychiatrist, finding the fire of the gods, and giving it as the secrets of conflict resolution to educators. I became an innkeeper and museum curator seeking to assist educators in delivering effectively the core curriculum’s objectives as an emotional education for everybody. Spending a week at the museum’s beautiful quarters, you can learn about the integration of art and science, achieve self-knowledge, and integrate religions as complementary discoveries of the Science of Conflict Resolution. The world has had too many holocausts. May science help us all.
The image illustrates the creative process as a CONFLICT RESOLUTION/moral order natural science phenomenon AS the unit order of the social sciences
It consists of a six-role state emotional dialectic, a syndrome, leading to conflict resolution as an attitude change.
The Greek cosmogony’s cruel pattern, repeated five times, led eventually to the creation of a religion. Conflicts are states of passivity, antagonism and alienation, while resolutions are defined as mastery, cooperation and mutual respect. Resolutions differ along the three formal operations as choices in the range of power, attitude and intensity. Formal Theory’s premise is that the periodicity of the pattern of conflict resolution reflects the unconscious as an energetic transformation phenomenon abiding by two phenomena of science. The stress state represents a normative deviation generating an unpleasant emotion as energetic induction. This unpleasant psychic energy is transformed upon a compromise to attitude change as compliance to norms. The unconscious attitude transformation phenomenon is described as an energetic transformation that consists of three pendulum oscillations guided by three formal operations restoring the emotional rest state. The art exhibits of the museum illustrate the universality of this organization of emotions validating the premise of the Formal Theory on the scientific and moral/conflict resolution nature of the unconscious.
The mission of the museum is introducing a scientific breakthrough that educators aspire to deliver: integrating the disciplines, attaining self-discovery, and clarity of moral values. the Formal Analysis of THE creativE PROCESS has achieved clarity on these objectives
To attain this mission we deliver an emotional education program that effectively provides the three objectives of the core curriculum: bridging art and science, using creativity for self-knowledge, and integrating religions. Formal Theory bridges art and science by recognizing that emotions are energetic entities that the unconscious transforms unpleasant psychic tension into pleasant social adjustment by changing a person’s attitude. What we experience as catharsis at the end of a good play is both an emotional and an energetic phenomenon. The consideration of emotions as energy is the link that bridges psychology and science. Abiding by scientific phenomena the psyche becomes a measurable conflict resolution process.
The Formal Theory hypothesis of emotions as energy has been validated with several methods by examining the creative process: One is observing the art exhibits of the Museum. A second is completing a self-assessment , using creativity for self-discovery leading to healing. The third is examining religions as sanctifcations of the relational modalities, that we can integrate into the Moral Science. The impact of this integration of psychology and religions is making psychology the science of conflict resolution. Religions then become subjects to analysis and accountable to the moral authority of science. A major validation of the Formal Theory is that the Artificial Intelligence can identify the formal structure of the thought process. It can analyze texts as conflict resolution phenomena, as syndromes and as relational modalities, it thus becomes diagnostic and therapeutic. This competence of the AI transforms it to Artificial Wisdom.
Daily guided tours: mornings guided tour of the Sculptural Trail In the History of Love, 10-11.30 AM. Afternoons guided tours of the Gorski Retrospective, 1-2.30: fee $20
workshops, deliver the three core curriculum objectives in a week: Psychology as a science; completing creativity for self-discovery, integration of religions into the Moral Science. tuition $100/day, alternatively room, meals and tuition $400/day
To arrange your visit, or book a workshop contact: moralscience@hotmail.com or call 802 379 6350
The art exhibits demonstrate how looking at art we find science, how composing art we can find out about ourselves; and also how to identify moral values as the principles of conflict resolution.
There are two self-discovery online programs utilizing the brief and the complete Conflict Analysis Battery. Free.
The validation of the formal theoretical premise ushers in the integration of art and science, psychology and morality, biology and sociology into the moral science, revamping psychology’s concepts:
Epistemology: The unconscious is a scientific phenomenon that resolves conflicts, it abides by two phenomena of science, one binding energy and the other transforming this energy to attitude change.
Clarity on wellness diagnoses: It changes diagnostic categories to a wellness personality typology, the structure of the unconscious consists of a six-role emotional sequence, a syndrome, leading to four types of conflict resolution, the relational modalities, a wellness personality typology. These are graphically portrayable.
It revamps assessments: introduces a self-assessment that is didactic, diagnostic and therapeutic, the Conflict Analysis Battery, using a personality inventory identifies one’s relational modality and creativity exercises reconstruct the syndromal six-role process. The experience is emotional and cognitive, diagnostic and therapeutic. It represents by itself a concise program of personalized emotional education.
It reconciles religions as discoveries of the Moral Science. Religions are psychological phenomena that represent normative institutions determining the generation of conflict upon deviations from their norms. Religions evolved as discoveries of the modalities determining normative behaviors. Moral Monopoly is a game integrating religions as the alternative and complementary ways of resolving conflict as these evolved dialectically improving the family institution. Morality becoming a science, the laws of science are the moral authority to which religions become accountable.
psychology’s four disciplines
The Sanctuary features three art exhibits: the Wizard of Oz panels, the Metaphoria Murals and highlights sculptures of the trail. These exhibits introduce the study of the creative process as a scientific conflict resolution phenomenon, reflecting the unconscious as the common denominator of the social science disciplines:
A highlight of the sculptural trail is the Abu Simbel like Abrahamic Family, by Judith Brown. My interpretation is that it represents three monumental patriarchs, four diminutive matriarchs, and two concubines dramatizing the father-son-covenant. It also presents the inequity between the genders reflecting the unfinished business of the Abrahamic religions. In spite of the inequity of genders the covenant provided the family institution the moral resilience that helped Judaism to survive through the ages and for Jews to become philosophers of kindness.
Publications: the moral science library, normative publications
The recent publication: the moral science primer
the upcoming publication: the software of the mind, TRANSFORMING AI TO ARTIFICIAL WISDOM
Eight volumes, written by Drs. Albert and Maxwell Levis, introduce the evolving research of the Formal Theory in its path to presenting psychology as the exact Moral Science. The Moral Science Primer confirms the validation of the Formal Theory into the Moral Science..
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic!!! Compelling and Rich
”I recently completed this workbook and was literally blown away by the results. Through a series of projective exercises I was given valuable insight into my relational patterns and how I personally resolve conflict. This Conflict Analysis Training book will take you on a journey of self discovery. It will take you deep into your unconscious which rules behavior and influences our relational patterns. I highly recommend this book for any one seriously interested in self development.””
“No place like it on the planet. A must see! (and I’m hard to please) The Museum of the Creative Process at the Wilburton Inn in Manchester, VT provides a truly unique outing, the experience of which will remain with you and likely change the way you think about world history, religion, artwork, and your day to day behavior. It delves into the workings of the unconscious, using the history of religion to illustrate the common threads of different belief systems- pulling them together into a formal theory of conflict resolution. A breathtaking sculptural trail on the grounds of the inn takes you to a gazebo in which striking wall panels provide visual examples of the creative and scientific research Dr. Levis conducted over the course of his remarkable career. There is no other place like this anywhere. Dr. Levis’ theory and vision are progressive, refreshing, and truly impressive. If you are interested in the underlying workings of the human mind, art, religion, history, or storytelling this place is a must-see. It is an undiscovered treasure.”